Skunks In Aurora: What Homeowners Need To Know

September 12, 2023

If you see skunks near your property, it can be an uneasy feeling. Seeking a trustworthy pest control service for skunk removal in Aurora is vital as soon as you notice these pests. If your dogs roam free on the property or in a fenced backyard, they could encounter a skunk and get sprayed. If you surprise a skunk yourself, you could receive a dowsing from this pest as well, creating a terrible odor that is difficult to eliminate. At D&K Pest Control, we are ready to help you remove any skunks that are near your home quickly and efficiently, keeping your family and pets safer.

Are Skunks Dangerous?

Should you notice these animals near your home and property, it’s important to contact our skunk pest control service as quickly as possible because of the significant problems these pests can cause. Although most people have concerns over being sprayed by a skunk’s terrible odor, this is not the most dangerous thing that can happen during a skunk encounter.

Skunks sometimes carry rabies, and they can transmit this disease to pets and humans through bites and scratches. Skunks typically do not bite or scratch unless they feel cornered or are protecting their nests and babies. For this reason, dogs are especially in danger of a skunk attack. They may chase a skunk until reaching a nest without even knowing it. Suddenly, the skunk fights back, injuring the dog and potentially exposing it to disease.

Because of the danger and nuisance that these pests can create, it’s best to seek professional skunk control in Aurora immediately. Until then, do everything possible to avoid these animals, especially when walking your dog. If you know you have skunks near your property, you may want to keep your dogs on a leash until you are sure the skunks have been dealt with.

How Skunks Get Into Aurora Residential Areas And What Attracts Them

Skunks are only about 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 feet in length, and they often weigh less than 15 pounds. They’re similar in size to a house cat. Like most animals, skunks are drawn to an area where they can find water, food, and shelter. Consequently, these small animals don’t need much free space to squeeze through a fence to gain access to your yard to try to find food. In the worst-case scenario, where you have a loose window or a hole in the foundation, the skunk may even sneak into your house.

Trust D&K Pest Control for the best solutions for pest control for skunks indoors and outdoors.

Tips To Minimize Your Risk For Skunk Activity Around Your Home

In addition to seeking pest control for skunks, remove things that draw these animals to the property. Do not leave pet food and pet water bowls outdoors, especially overnight when skunks are most active. Pick up your food after eating outdoors. Additionally, cover your garbage cans tightly to keep skunks away.

What To Do If You Have Skunks On Your Property Or Inside Your Home

Although removing some pests on your property or from inside your home can be challenging, skunks represent a whole new level of challenge. Simply put, controlling nuisance skunks in Aurora requires the help of an experienced pest control professional.

You can trust D&K Pest Control and our decade of experience controlling pests. You can feel confident that we will do the work correctly the first time, thanks to our experience, training, and equipment. Some of the services we provide regarding skunks include:

  • Trapping

  • Prevention

  • Eliminating entry points

  • Eliminating items that draw skunks

Reach out to our team today to learn more about the services we offer. We can help with skunk removal inside your home or elsewhere on your property. We are ready to help make your property safe again.

How do I get rid of skunks?

Skunks are more than a nuisance wildlife problem; they pose serious threats to people, pets, and properties. Skunk removal should always be handled by an experienced professional. Trust D&K Pest Control to quickly and completely remove skunks from your Illinois property. After contacting us, our professionals will come to your property to identify where skunks are living, place traps, and help you take the steps necessary to stop them from coming back. For the best pest control in Aurora, please call now.


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